Lehigh University
bethlehem | pennsylvania | usa
PROJECT AREA: 130 acre
PROJECT SCOPE: Master plan | Detail Design
CLIENT: Beyer Blinder Belle
The Landscape master plan strives to preserve the essential character of the existing landscape while further accommodating sustainable evolution of the contemporary institution; and at the same time identify usable high quality of open spaces within the hilly setting of the present day campus.
Landscape master plan proposes new organization of open spaces within the present pattern of built campus by translating topography into defined useable campus open spaces.
Plan locates the areas of landscape improvements while recognizing that campus landscape relies on various built and natural systems like ecology, topography, programming, land management and maintenance practices.
The landscape master plan is distinguished by a landscape approach that fully engages the potential to unite the experience and function of the campus through an integration of its overlapping systems. Landscape design process needed in coming years will need to prioritize preservation and strengthening of the existing character of the campus experience while also allowing it to develop in new ways.