Community Outreach 

Ready Red Hook
A Community Recovery Plan

brooklyn | new york | usa

PROJECT SCOPE: Resiliency and Preparedness
CLIENT: Red Hook Coalition (a collaborative of community based organizations)


The purpose of a long-term community recovery [LTCR] plan is to provide the community with the framework needed to not only move past a disaster, but to also plan for future events and prepare for the next response. Grain Collective Director, Sapna Advani was engaged as a consultant by the Red Hook Coalition, to manage this eight-month long process for the community as well as other community based initiatives that included youth training; strategies for workforce development and the creation a communications HUB portal.

The Red Hook LTCR focused primarily on two major aspects
[1] Creating a compilation of recovery projects being conducted throughout the neighborhood post hurricane Sandy
[2] A readiness structure to the community’s response in the first 72 hours after a disaster impacting Red Hook, before City, State or Federal relief workers can get into the neighborhood.

Emergency Management Methodology Partners (EMMP), was contracted to facilitate the planning process, train and educate the community on the final plan, and exercise the finished plan for validation. Thread Collective was engaged to create an illustrative communications package for this process in order to disseminate important preparedness information to the community in an easily accessible and digestible format.

Upwards of 200 people have been involved in this process through planning meetings and community input gatherings. The Readiness Section was exercised in the community of Red Hook on Ready
Red Hook Day, held on Saturday, September 13, 2014.