
Beach 41st Street Playgrounds

queens | new york | usa

PROJECT AREA: Various Sites
PROJECT SCOPE: Landscape Master Plan Detail Design
PROJECT STATUS: 2017 | On call
CLIENT: New York Housing Authority


Beach 41st street campus is located on a narrow peninsula between Norton Basin in Jamaica Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. The north side of the site sits on Jamaica Bay and the south edge of the site is 1600 ft from Rockaway Beach on the Atlantic. The site is accessed from Beach Channel Drive. The campus consists of five (5) buildings constructed in 1973, six (6) playgrounds and one basketball court.

Individual playgrounds will be designed with developmental milestones of children in mind to complement the various developmental stages of youth addressing infants, toddlers, early childhood, children and pre-teens.

Damaged play equipment and safety surface will be replaced. Playgrounds 1-6 will be rebuilt with adequate play features and surfacing to address the various developmental needs of children. Unused site areas will be developed to address the need for a designated BBQ space and adult fitness area.