Community Outreach
Prospect Park Alliance
brooklyn | new york | usa
PROJECT SCOPE: Community Engagement
CLIENT: Prospect Park Alliance
Beginning in April 2017, Prospect Park Alliance, in collaboration with Hester Street and Grain Collective, gathered ideas and inspiration from thousands of community members and park users to create a collective vision for the area formerly known as the Rose Garden in the northeast corner of the Park.
We asked Brooklynites how this area could become a more vibrant place for all of Brooklyn’s diverse communities at meetings and events in over 30 locations in the Park and adjacent neighborhoods.
Efforts were targeted to include the many communities that use and border the Park particularly communities of color, young people, low-income families and new immigrants.
Reaching out in multiple languages, in varied formats and at local venues ensured that people whose voices are often missing from local decision-making helped shape the future of the Park.
The multi-phase process concluded with community-driven vision and principles that will guide future development of this area of the Park into a place that embraces nature and provides the surrounding communities an opportunity to gather, learn, play and discover.