Strategic Planning
Urban Planning
coney island | ny | usa
PROJECT AREA: 45 acres
PROJECT SCOPE: strategic framework plan
PROJECT STATUS: completed 2005
CLIENT: New York City Economic Development Corporation
Based on previous planning efforts, the Coney Island Strategic Plan presents a land use and implementation framework for Coney Island. This strategic planning study investigated in greater detail the character of urban public spaces envisioned for the various sub-districts identified in the plan.
The study conceptually envisioned and illustrated the character, vibrancy and dynamism of potential future public spaces and buildings. It serves to convey to the public the intention of the NYC Economic Development Corporation and the Coney Island Development Corporation to revitalize the area in a manner consistent with Coney Island’s extraordinary history as one of the world’s most unusual and spectacular urban destinations.
The character studies of individual districts are woven into a broader narrative; one that expresses the complete framework plan and its elements as an inspiring and coherent vision for the future of the entire area.