
Senior Living Facility

Kamshet| Maharashtra | India

PROJECT AREA: 10 acres
PROJECT SCOPE: Landscape master Plan | Detail Design
CLIENT: Perkins Eastman


The project site is located in Kamshet that lays claim to a naturalistic setting of hilly terrains and scenic land forms defined by rocky outcrops, rock-cut caves, tunnels and striking water features.

Refuting predictable notions of senior living design, the landscape seeks inspiration from the land to create a sense of discovery and surprise in this center to provide for a variety of experiences that are playful, lively, colorful and creative.

Significant landscape features of the design include entrance plazas that create a sense of arrival through defined natural forms articulated with bold sculptural elements; and core gathering areas that thematically explore the five senses of smell, touch, sound, taste and sight through sensory elements such as water fountains, vegetable farms, playing courts, fragrant gardens, mazes and meadow walks.